Create a contact

Step 1 

Sign in to Connect Rocket. From the dashboard page, select 'Contacts' from under 'Manage Your Team'.

Step 2

Click 'Add New Contact'.

Step 3

Add basic details and contact information for your contact. Using the select list, choose the group(s) you'd like to associate this contact with (you can do this later too). When done, click 'Save'.


  • Notification Priority is used to determine who gets called or messaged first. All things being equal, Connect Rocket will call a Contact with a 'High' notification priority before a contact with a 'Low' notification priority. That said, notification priority will not have a meaningful impact on an account until there are at least 100 contacts associated with an account.
  • Organization and Role are optional.
  • Phone number types must be selected properly. Choosing a type of 'Landline' for a mobile phone number will result in the application failing to behave as expected.
  • You can add as many phone numbers to a contact record as you wish.
  • If you opt to add an email address to a contact profile, any notification sent via push/text message will be relayed to the email address on file. This is optional. Selecting 'Deliver Notification email while Off Duty' will ensure you stay up to speed while you're in an Off Duty state without any obtrusive interruptions.
  • A contact can belong to as many groups as you wish. If a contact is part of many groups and you message more than one of these groups at a time, your contact will only be messaged and/or called one time.

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