Using Locate & Message with Locate prioritized

NOTE: This process is replicated in the mobile apps.

From the Dashboard, select the 'Locate & Message' tab.

Step 2

If you have prioritized Locate requests, enter the subject's 10-digit phone number in the provided field and enter a name or other identifier. Click 'Locate' to send the request to the subject via text message.

Step 3

Once received, the subject simply clicks the link and if required (based on their privacy settings) allows their phone to share their location. Once they've done this, their phone will send their GPS location and estimated accuracy back to the application. Connect Rocket will make several further requests over the course of a couple of minutes to try and refine the subject's location. Once located, the subject will be advised.

Step 4

Locate requests will appear in the 'Location' tab with the most recent ones appearing at the top. At first, Locate will indicate you're waiting for a response.

Once the subject has been located, the GPS coordinates and the approximate accuracy of the coordinates will be shown under 'Responses'. You can see the points plotted on a map by clicking 'View Map'. Once coordinates have been obtained, the 'Send Again' button will allow for a second set of coordinates to be obtained for the same subject with location data aggregated on the same map layer. There are also several options for sharing the location coordinates.

Share Coordinates by Notification

Selecting this option will initiate the 'Send Notification' process. After selecting the recipients of your notification you will find a link to a publicly available map page injected into the notification body for sending.

Download Coordinates as KML File

Selecting this option allows you to download a KML file to your mobile device or computer. The file can be subsequently imported into mapping tools or shared with third-parties.

Copy Public Link to Map

Selecting this option copies the public map URL to the device clipboard. The URL can then be pasted into third-party communications tools (text messaging apps, email, etc.)


  • If your subject does not have cellular coverage, Locate & Message will not work.
  • The Locate feature works with all smart phones with onboard GPS and a data plan and the capacity to send/receive text messages (SMS).
  • The Message feature works with all text message capable phones.
  • Connect Rocket will prompt the subject to leave their browser open while further attempts to refine location are made at preset intervals. This allows the phone time to better orient itself and refine the device's location.
  • Remember that Locate is only one way of finding a subject and it should be utilized in concert with other information that is available to you about a subject's location.

Best Practices:

  • Where possible, speak with your subject before sending the location request to tell them what to expect.
  • Once you have established a location, have your subject close out all applications on their mobile device to conserve battery power.
  • Train with Locate so you remember how to use it and are familiar with the workflow on the subject's end.

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