What does a recipient see when they receive a poll?

When a notification is sent with an attached poll, your recipient will see the notification and the poll question and an invitation to respond on the Notification page of the mobile apps.

Upon tapping the included button, the recipient will see the poll question and the available answer categories. From this screen, the recipient can tap the answer of their choosing.

Once the recipient makes a selection, they will be returned to the main Notifications page and they will see their selected answer displayed inline. As long as the poll remains in an 'Open' state, they can tap the answer and change their response if needed.

Should a recipient not have one of the mobile apps installed or if they do not have access to a data connection, they may receive the poll via test message (this varies from account-to-account based on configuration). The recipient follows the link you have sent them, they will be redirected to a webpage where they can select a poll response. Once they do this, their reply will be reflected within the application in real-time. If they need to change their reply, they can do this by clicking the poll link - as long as it remains open. Any changes will be reflected in the application dashboard.

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