What does a recipient see when they receive a single-response Poll?
What a recipient sees will depend on how a poll is received. Polls can be received and replied to in the Teams mobile app, text message, via both analog/VoIP calls and email.
Mobile App
When a notification is sent with an attached poll, your recipient will see the notification and the poll question and an invitation to respond on the Notification page of the mobile apps.
Upon tapping the included poll button, the recipient will see the poll question and the available answer categories. From this screen, the recipient can tap the answer of their choosing.
Once the recipient makes a selection, they will be returned to the main Notifications page and they will see their selected answer displayed inline. As long as the poll remains in an 'Open' state, they can tap the answer and change their response if needed.
Text Message
Polls sent by text message will arrive with a link. The recipient can click the link which will load a web page where they can then view the poll.
Once viewing the poll, the recipient can then tap or click their desired answer.
After selecting an answer, the web page will update to reflect the selected response.
Phone Call - Analog and VoIP
When a poll is received by a Text-to-Voice analog phone call, Connect Rocket will, as part of the call, read the poll question and answer options to the call recipient. Each answer will be associated with a number on the telephone keypad. To respond to the poll, the call recipient can depress the number on the phone keypad that corresponds with their answer.
If the inbound call is a Text-to-Voice VoIP Call and has a Poll associated with it, the Poll can also be answered directly on the Voice page from within the Teams app. Once you've answered the Poll, the call will be ended.
Polls sent by email will arrive with a link. The recipient can click the link which will load a web page where they can then view the poll.
Once viewing the poll, the recipient can then tap or click their desired answer.
After selecting an answer, the web page will update to reflect the selected response.
Closed Poll
When a Poll's duration has expired or when an Administrator has opted to close a Poll early, the recipient will see an indication that the poll is closed and no longer gathering responses.