Configuring Polls

Step 1

Navigate to 'Manage Account' via the profile menu.

Step 2

Select 'Polls' from the page navigation.

Step 3

Select 'Add a Poll' to begin creating a new poll. Give your poll a name. This name will be used to select the poll from a list in the future so ensure your name is descriptive and easy for others to recognize. Provide a poll question. The question will be asked of your audience when the poll is sent. Next, set the poll's duration. Duration is the period during which a poll is available for the purpose of gathering responses. Once a poll is sent, the duration timer starts. Once the selected time has passed, the poll will close and be unavailable for gathering responses

Next select 'Add Poll Answer' to begin creating possible responses for your contacts. The colour selector allows you to adjust the colour of the buttons that your audience will interact with when viewing an open poll. Polls answers will display in the order they are created.

When done, click 'Save'. Your finished poll can now be viewed in the polls index.


  • Poll questions and answers work best when they are succinct.
  • Closed polls can no longer gather responses. Don't worry, We'll let visitors to a closed poll know they can't respond.

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