Configure Single Purpose Phone Line

Step 1

Navigate to 'Manage Account' via the profile menu.

Step 2

Select 'Line Configuration' from the page navigation.

Step 3

From the 'Phone Lines' section, choose the phone line that you wish to configure. Please note that your account may have one or many phone lines.  

Step 4

You will next choose how to configure the phone line. You can opt for IVR, Direct Connect, Single or Multi Purpose Line. If you need assistance with Phone Line configuration, please book a training session and we'll be happy to help. For this article, we will choose a Single Purpose Phone Line.

Step 5

You will now be prompted to name your phone line. You can optionally provide a description for the phone line. When done, click 'Next'.

Note: The name and description will be seen/used by all users so use terminology that will resonate with a broad audience.

Step 6 - Add a Greeting

Connect Rocket ships with a default greeting but you will likely want to customize this message to improve the experience for your users.

Determine how you would like to add a greeting. There are 3 available options for adding a greeting.

  1. Create a new greeting using text-to-voice. If opting for this method of adding a greeting, you'll be prompted to type your greeting a text area. We will then run the copy through a text-to-speech engine and allow you to preview your greeting before assigning it to a phone line.
  2. Record a new greeting. In this instance, you'll be asked to provide a phone number where you can be called. The application will phone you and provide step-by-step instructions on how to record and save your greeting.
  3. Upload and audio file. If selecting this option, you will be able to upload an existing audio file for use as a greeting on one of your phone lines.

Choose the method you'd like to use and follow the provided instructions and finish by assigning the desired recording to the phone line.

Now when callers ring through to this phone number, they will hear your greeting played. In this instance, this message will be prompting the inbound caller to leave a voice mail with details pertinent to the use case.

Note: You can preview your greeting by clicking the 'Play' icon beside the greeting name.

Step 8 

Next, you can configure the Line Settings. 

If you'd like the caller to verify their identity as human before triggering the phone line, enable the toggle. Undertaking this step prevents auto-diallers and telemarketing services from triggering the phone line. This is accomplished by requiring the caller to press a number on their telephone keypad when prompted.

You can also configure a Single Purpose Line to be triggered by an inbound text message. Choosing to 'Require verification of inbound text before triggering workflow" adds a verification step that the sender of the inbound text message must complete before the workflow is triggered. Once the workflow has been triggered, the 'Text Message Activation Response' will be sent to the sender of the original inbound text message.

Step 9

Once a caller has recorded a message requesting a callback or sent an inbound text message, Connect Rocket can trigger a Workflow that you design to ensure the caller receives a response. You can choose to add notifications, a conference call and/or a pager notification. Whatever you ultimately design will be triggered when the phone line is called or messaged.

Adding a Notification

Adding a Conference Call

Note: Accounts with a single phone number can only add one conference call per unique Workflow.

Adding a Pager Notification


Once you've configured your selected Actions, test and confirm the phone line behaves as expected.

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