Sending a Notification

Step 1

From the dashboard select Send Notification.

Step 2

If needed, you can choose to view your map and/or access your Group descriptions (if you have added them for your account). Next, select the Group or Groups you wish to send your Notification to. Selected groups will appear in the tag cloud at the top of the modal. Once done, click Next.

Step 3

Verify your recipient count and confirm your Group selection. If you need to make a correction, you can click the Back link located in the bottom left of the modal.

A note about sending Mass Notifications

Connect Rocket makes a distinction between visual (text messages) and audio messages (voice calls). Doing so allows you to optimize each message for how it will be consumed by your audience. The text message can be drafted, knowing it will be viewed on a mobile device where links and phone numbers can be easily interacted with. The voice call can share similar information but recorded in a manner that benefits from delivery via a voice call.

Note that it is crucial to send all life-safety notification by both text and voice call.

Step 4

To create a text message, you can choose a Prepared Message from the dropdown or you can compose a Notification from scratch. Below the message composition box, you'll see a character counter that displays remaining characters in your message and the number of message parts you will be sending. You can also choose to add an attachment. If you do opt to include an attachment, we'll append a shortened URL to the outbound Notification and recipients can access the file by clicking the link. Attachments support all file formats.

Why add an attachment?

File attachments can be any format which means you can share anything you wish with your audience. Perhaps a video message on how to shelter in-place or maybe a PDF map with evacuation routes indicated. Anything you can conceive can be shared.

Step 5

To upload your recorded voice message, you first need to record your message. This can be done via your mobile device or on your desktop using the app of your choice. When done, select the audio file for upload, wait while the file is processed - this can take a handful of seconds. Once done, an audio player will load and you can preview your audio message before moving to the next step. If you upload the wrong message, you can delete the audio file by clicking the trash can to the right of the audio player and then make a new selection.

Audio file formats?

You can upload any audio file format to Connect Rocket. We'll convert your file to .mp3 for delivery.

Step 6

Previewing your Notification provides one last chance to confirm all of details are correct before hitting send. Verify your audience details are correct. Check your text message and voice message content. The last step is to review the delivery methods. Once everything checks out, you can click Send which will initiate the delivery of your Notification to the community.

A note about Delivery Methods and Advanced Options

When looking at Delivery Methods, remember that the total number of Contacts that you're going to message may not match the number of emails, text messages and voice messages being sent. This is attributable to some Contacts having more than one phone number in their record.

If toggling Advanced Options and selecting Email Only your notification will be sent only via email. If you opt for Smart Connect those Contacts with a mobile number will receive a text message and those contacts with a Landline will receive a voice call. Email will be sent to all Contacts with an email addresses. Smart Connect can save money for notifications that are not life-safety related. They also minimize network load if there's any concern about local infrastructure after a disaster.