Send an email-only notification

Step 1

Sign into Connect Rocket. From the dashboard select Send an email-only notification.

Step 2

Select the Group or Groups you wish to send your email to by ticking the box beside the group name. The name(s) of selected groups will appear as tags in the search field. Once done, click 'Next.'

If you need some help to determine who should receive your email, you can choose to view your map using the link in the top right corner of the page or you can access any descriptive text by clicking the down arrow (when present).

Step 3

Add the copy that you want to deliver to our recipients by email. If your account has prepared messages available, you can choose one of your prepared messages from the dropdown or you can compose your email from scratch.

If you choose to add a file attachment to your email, we'll append a shortened URL to your email.

Why add a file attachment?

File attachments can be of any format, which means you can share anything you wish with your audience. Perhaps a video message on how to shelter in-place, or maybe a PDF map with evacuation routes indicated. Anything you can conceive can be shared.

Step 4

You're now ready to test your notification. To begin, verify your delivery details are correct. Review your email content. Once everything checks out, you can add an email to the field in the green block at the top of the page. Clicking 'Send Test' will send a test email to the email address that you entered. If you need to modify your notification in any way, you can use the 'Edit' links on the right side of the page. When you're satisfied with your testing, click 'Next' to advance.

Step 5

The Final Review & Send page provides one last chance to review your email notification. When you're satisfied with all aspects of your notification, type 'SEND' in the provided field to enable the send function. Once done, click 'Send Notification' to deliver your notification to your selected recipients.

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