Using Locate with international numbers

Connect Rocket's Locate feature works with international numbers no differently than it does with domestic numbers. For a general overview of using Locate, please read this first.

Sending Locate to an International Number

Connect Rocket will automatically inject the international access code. Do not prepend the number with '011'.

Next, enter the Country Code (remove the initial '0') followed by the phone number. Add a description and click 'Locate'.

Below we can see an example using a fictitious German mobile phone number.


Whether messaging a domestic or international number, Locate is subject to the same constraints. See How does Locate work?

Tourists may not have opted for a roaming plan/data service while visiting a foreign country. If they do not have network access, you will not be able to call/message their device.

For assistance with calling/messaging abroad, this site may prove helpful: How to Call Abroad

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