Import Contact Data Manually

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Once the option to import contact data has been enabled in your account, you will be unable to add, edit or delete contact or group data within Connect Rocket. All changes to contact data will need to be managed in the source data used for the import.

By default, contact and group data is managed in Connect Rocket Teams. If you wish to manage your contact data elsewhere and manually import it into Connect Rocket Teams, please contact us to request access to our import tool.

Step 1

Navigate to 'Manage Account' via the profile menu.

Step 2

Select 'Import Contacts' from the page navigation.

Step 3

To begin, download the import template and populate it according to the example shown in Row 2 of the import file - this Row can be deleted once you add your organization's data. Do not make any other modifications to the import file. Once your spreadsheet is populated, save it as an .xlsx or .csv file.

Understanding the import spreadsheet

ID ID's are used in the import to assign a unique identifier to a contact. An ID can be any string of any length that you wish. Please note that the import indexes on the ID column so it is important to not change the ID for contacts that already exist in Connect Rocket - if the import has a new ID, the contact record will be added to Connect Rocket. If the import has an ID that already exists in Connect Rocket, we’ll look for and make any changes to the contact using the import as master. If an ID is not present in the import file but exists in Connect Rocket, the contact record will be removed from Connect Rocket. TL;DR: ID's must remain consistent.

Name The name of the contact, both first and last name.

Organization Name* The organization that the contact is affiliated with.

Title* The contact's title and/or accreditations.

Number The contact phone number, both area code and local dialling number (10-digits).

Number Type Number type guides how we interact with a given phone number. Identify the number as a mobile, landline or pager.

Number Description* An identifier to help distinguish one number from another e.g. work/home.

Email Address* If you wish to be able to send notifications via email, add an email address.

Notification Priority* This sets the order in which calls and text messages are sent. High priority contacts receive calls and notifications first. This setting does not impact push notifications.

Groups* How you wish to segment contacts for the purpose of sending notifications. Separate group names using a comma.

* Optional cell

** Leave any cell with no value blank. Do not enter n/a, null etc.

Step 4

When you're ready to import your file, click 'Choose File' and select the .xlsx or .csv file saved in Step 3. Once your file has been selected, click 'Upload' and your contact and group data will be imported into your account.


Errors: If your import generates any errors, you'll receive an email indicating the name of the contact and the nature of the error. Once the error is remedied, you can import the file again.

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